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5 Star IHIBRP Book Review: “The Many Afterlives of John Robert Thompson” by Valerie Lioudis

JB Richards

A Side-Splitting Foray Into Death & Reincarnation!

What really lies ahead for us in the Great Beyond? 45-year-old John Robert Thompson is about to find out—over and over again. With no particular goals in mind, no ambition, and no thoughts as to what he wants out of life, John is the most mediocre man to have ever lived and died. The fact that he keeps coming back—for more, and more, and more—is enough to flabbergast the best of us into wondering, “Will this guy ever find fulfillment and stay dead?!”

One would think that a man’s death, played out over and over again, would be a tough topic to deal with, but Author Valerie Lioudis presents a grand scale comedy of errors as she strings her protagonist, John, along through a seemingly endless playlist of deaths-by-happenstance, confrontations in the afterlife, and subsequent reincarnations. It is with genuine insight and imagination that Lioudis dreams up the most bizarre and mundane circumstances for John’s imminent death. This author is as creative with her lifetime scenarios as she is in formulating her afterworld experiences, showing an amazing knack for comedy, an unlimited imagination, and a profound open-mindedness as John lives life after life, and through her character’s strange and bizarre experiences, Valerie Lioudis opens her readers’ eyes to a whole new appreciation for living and a vast set of possibilities for achieving greatness in their own lives.

Find “The Many Afterlives of John Robert Thompson” by Valerie Lioudis on Amazon & Kindle at


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