Genius Level Sci-Fi!
Whether it’s through oral or telepathic communication, the author’s concepts of an alien culture and its ideals are transmitted from one main protagonist to the other more as an interactive dialogue rather than action, making this one read that true Sci-Fi world-building and civilization buffs will enjoy. Melson’s alien, ScOsh, is rather one-dimensional and reminiscent of Keanu Reeves in the popular Sci-Fi film, The Day the Earth Stood Still, possessing a similar appearance and dry personality. His cerebral ramblings about the history, beliefs, morals, and the ethics of Earth and alien civilizations are quite lengthy and detailed, giving a detailed account of his world and those who govern it. ScOsh’s in-depth lectures may be a bit over-the-top for those readers who prefer more action than words and fare that is somewhat lighter than delving into material comparative to Hawking’s Theory of Everything or Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Graciela is a more rounded and likable character, providing an easy foil for ScOsh’s revelations, but her presence in the story suffers slightly as a result of her partner-protagonist’s overbearing role.
“The Man From Empire” is peppered with action scenes, and, from time to time, bizarre monsters that are seemingly conjured up from Satan’s own imagination thwart ScOsh and Grace’s progress to fulfill their mission. The battles produced by Melson are both spectacular and bloody as the pair strives to prevent these, and other evil entities, from assuming universal domination. The decisive clash toward the finale packs a real punch. Patience, and perhaps a higher level of education, may be of benefit when reading through ScOsh’s expansive and sometimes ponderous lectures about his life, knowledge, abilities, and experiences. But if you love to delve into complex math and scientific theory, philosophy, and questions of existence, or if you’re a dedicated Sci-Fi fan who revels in complex space operas, “The Man From Empire” reaches the bar. In any event, Dan Melson is a Sci-Fi author to watch.
Find “The Man From Empire (Rediscovery Book 1)” by Dan Melson on Amazon & Kindle here.
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IHIBRP, IHI Book Review Project, IHIBRP Round 10, Book Review, Indie Author, Amazon, Kindle, Goodreads, Ebooks, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Space Opera, Aliens, The Man From Empire, Rediscovery Series, Dan Melson,
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