An Unforgettable & Thrilling Paranormal Fantasy!
Set in 1810 London, “Unforgivables” begins with a bizarre murder, a witness who can hardly believe her eyes, an investigation kicked off by a member of a group called The Watchmen, and a legendary detective by the name of Wilson Davies whose main suspect is a circus performer by the name of Emma Watson. Slick’s plotline for “Unforgivables” draws readers in from the beginning, garnering attention by the ferocity of the committed murder and the cruel abuse suffered by a daughter at the hands of her reprehensible parents. Tying the story together is the Beaumont Brothers Circus, a tiny group of performers graced with paranormal abilities who wound their way throughout Europe and found themselves in Emma’s homeland—England—just as she is seeking refuge from her past. Slick’s amazing characters—both good and evil—lead the reader on an exciting adventure as they try to escape persecution from those who seek legal prosecution and those who merely want revenge.
“Unforgivables” is an unforgettable story that can easily be consumed and enjoyed in one sitting and I highly recommend this spin-off of Slick’s Thompson’s School Series to anyone who enjoys great paranormal fantasies and thrillers. Congratulations to the author on this award-winning story! This novel will be permanently featured on my website at AuthorJBRichards.com under IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Reads!
Find “Unforgivables” by Tabi Slick on Amazon & Kindle here.
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