A Thought-Provoking & Shocking Sci-Fi Thriller!
The stage is set for Armageddon in J.R. Brienza’s intriguing Sci-Fi shocker “The Belt of Orion: Nibiru Rising”.
It is with snappy dialogue and hearty repartee that J.R. Brienza reveals her well-researched and unconventional tale about a subversive ancient alien invasion through a series of flashbacks between a trash-TV talk show host who is showboating a discussion on Sumerian myths, the Annunaki civilization’s DNA-engineering of human beings in order to enslave the population, and the sudden speculation over a newly discovered planet set on a collision course with Earth, against the mundane life of an adult daughter whose immediate family is being ravaged by mental illness, seemingly accidental deaths, and a parental suicide that—at least to her—makes little sense. Brienza’s thought-provoking and often shocking revelations give readers the opportunity to immerse themselves in a conspiracy theorists dream—or nightmare—as characters are challenged by the strange circumstances now governing their lives, and the authors’ expert use of foreshadowing kicks off a series of devastating events and personal tragedies that seem to herald the arrival of the End Times. Questions about the evolution of humans, the existence of God, and the existence of alien life in the universe run through this intense Sci-Fi thriller, provoking the reader into wondering if fate and destiny do—in fact—exist, and whether or not our ancient ancestors actually might have been visited by alien cultures in Earth’s past. If so, are these alien species still manipulating and guiding the human race toward a singular purpose even now, and could their interference be a benefit to us, or is it all some terrifying and contrived plot leading up to our eventual extinction?
Long on dialogue and speculations of what the future holds for humankind, Brienza’s novel sets the stage for the possibility of subsequent chapters focusing on the answers to these and other profound questions in a novel series that is sure to please Sci-Fi fans and alien conspiracy theorists alike. Congratulations to the author on this award-winning story! This novel will be permanently featured on my website at AuthorJBRichards.com under IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Reads!
Find “The Belt of Orion: Nibiru Rising” by J.R. Brienza on Amazon & Kindle here.
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IHIBRP, IHI Book Review Project, IHIBRP Round 11, Book Review, Indie Author, Amazon, Kindle, Goodreads, Ebooks, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, First Contact, Alien Invasion, Conspiracies, Ancient Aliens, Annunaki, DNA Engineering, Revelation, Sumerians, Wormwood, The Belt of Orion, Nibiru Rising, J.R. Brienza, IHIBRP Award, IHIBRP Recommended Read, Must Reads, Great Reads,
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