A Scottish Medieval Romance For The Ages!
Heartache, loneliness, and dread follow Author Anna Chant’s Pictish heroine, Baena, as she is politically wed to a Scottish-Gaul lord, Cinaed—a husband she not only fears but one who forces her into a life of scorn and rejection even among her own people.
Chant has performed her historical research well in “Kenneth’s Queen”, effectively painting a colorful and myriad backdrop of early-medieval court life in the 8th-century with lairds and ladies constantly vying for position and power as Gaels, Anglo-Saxons, Picts, and invading Viking tribesmen engage in frequent skirmishes and battles for control of the Scottish Isles.
Chant’s characters are rich in detail; their personalities are fully-fleshed, their familial relationships of utmost importance, and their lives, at best, tenuous—controlled by the outcomes of political change and upheaval. Her presentation of Baena’s life is just as it would have been in those trying times when forging a brand new nation was of primary concern to the ruling classes, and the fates of women were determined at the whim of men.
The author’s semi-fictional account of this teen bride caught up in the ever-changing and often traumatic events of her time is quite compelling and provocative, making this story a great read for students focusing on women’s roles during this era as well as an emotional and engaging tale for fans of Dark Age and/or Historical Romance.
Congratulations to the author on this award-winning story! This novel will be permanently featured on my website at AuthorJBRichards.com under IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Reads!
Find “Kenneth’s Queen (Women of the Dark Ages Book 1)” by Anna Chant on Amazon & Kindle here.
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