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“Y’keta (The Sky Road Book 1)” by Sandra Hurst - IHIBRP 4-Star Book Review

JB Richards

A Fascinating Fantasy Story Of Tribal Life!

Y’keta’s new home is threatened by secrets of the past, and the traditions of his people may likely be destroyed if he decides to reveal the truth. On the other hand, those secrets may just be the tribes’ only chance at survival.

Hurst pens a fascinating survival story about tribal life and the interdependency of elders, providers, guardians, and healers in ensuring the continuation of a culture in “Y’keta”. On the surface, “Y’keta” is a rather primitive coming-of-age tale in which a young man learns the ways of his people and how best to defend them, but those lessons he has learns are quite compelling.

Hurst’s simple but highly creative plotline demonstrates how faith, family, and belief play an integral role in the development of an individual, and how these are the core elements that provide a base for a society’s survival. Hurst also used these components to bring about a necessary cohesiveness and creativity to her characters’ otherwise mundane world. Y’keta’s culture subsequently exists on the baser values of survival—seeking and securing food, clothing, and shelter. But when an enemy threatens the existence of Y’keta’s adoptive tribe, it is he and his tribesmates’ altruistic and selfless devotion to faith, friends, and family, along with their need to prove their worth as key members of their society, that go a long way toward ensuring their future survival as they band together against their common enemy.

United we stand... Divided we fall... Through her characters’ thoughts and dreams, Hurst weaves an intricate and profound story of a people who are unwavering in their love and dedication to one another—Her tale of a small group of primitive people, threatened by an enemy that seems bent on their destruction, shows how kindness, cooperation, and understanding goes a long way toward reconciliation and resolution.

At the time I read the Kindle version of “Y’keta”, it contained some basic formatting issues and punctuation errors, but these problems did not detract from the overall enjoyment of the story. Violence was present during the course of this read, but it definitely wasn’t what I would classify as over-the-top and fit well into the context of the storyline. I recommend this book for ages 15 and up.

Find “Y’keta (The Sky Road Book 1)” by Sandra Hurst on Amazon & Kindle here.

IHIBRP, IHI Book Review Project, IHIBRP Round 14, Book Review, Indie Author, Amazon, Kindle, Goodreads, Ebooks, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Genre Fiction, Metaphysical, Visionary, Y’keta, Sandra Hurst,


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