A Brilliantly Constructed, Hair-Raising Trek Into A Magical Realm Where The Usual Rules Don’t Apply!
Overview: The Darkness is biding its time, waiting to strike when the Guardians are at their weakest. Can they shed old wounds and forgive new betrayals to save their world?
K. Brooks’ bone-chilling paranormal fantasy, “When Shadows Creep”, provides readers with a mind-bending trek into the unknown as Flynn Flanagan is persistently pursued by an insidious entity referred to as The Darkness. Brooks successfully instills fear and foreboding in this tale through the use of a Hitchcockian method of writing whereby the monster is never truly revealed, but it is feared and reviled for its elusiveness and lack of a fixed physical form. Only feelings like “the chills”, an extreme sensation of dread, and physical aches and pains are provided by the author to allow her characters to sense the monster’s presence and intent, representing the evil one in this tale as a true villain of the imagination. By the time the monster is cornered, it’s nearly too late to save anything... let alone Flynn.
While some paranormal horror stories seem unrealistic or contrived, “When Shadows Creep” comes through as a brilliantly constructed, hair-raising trek into a magical realm where the usual rules don’t apply. Aside from some formatting issues on the Kindle version I read, I was quite impressed and absorbed by this story. With no sexual situations, and only the type of horror one would find in PG-13 movie, I strongly recommend this paranormal fantasy for ages 13 and up.
Congratulations to the author on this award-winning story! This novel will be permanently featured on my website at AuthorJBRichards.com under IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Reads!
Find “When Shadows Creep” by K. Brooks on Amazon & Kindle here.
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