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"So Wonderful as Want" by Joyce DeBacco - IHIBRP 5-Star Book Review

JB Richards

A Jewel Among Historical Fiction Reads, Romances & Family Sagas!

Overview: Zach has a dream. He wants to be his own man and go his own way, but when tragedy strikes Dinah’s family, his soft heart won’t allow him to move on and walk away... That is... until Dinah meets Tyler, a rich and powerful man who could make all her dreams come true.

It is with more than some degree of creativity, talent, and character insight that Author Joyce DeBacco brings a strong sense of southern charm, nostalgia, and kinships to this coming of age tale about two teens—Zach and Dinah—who are suddenly dealt the wrong cards and are thrust into adult roles they would rather not have to assume. DeBacco shows how her characters’ constant yearning for the lives they dreamed of having, affects their choices going forward and gravely impacts those who are dearest to them, resulting in domestic hardships, broken relationships, and family strife.

This well-paced tale boasts plenty of colorful characters, seething drama, small-town politics, and a masterful plotline. DeBacco sweeps readers through the phases of change her characters must face while generously peppering this read with southern grace, faith, and hospitality amidst great strife. Romance, sorrow, need, want, regret, and—just when it’s most needed—a keen sense of wit and humor blend together seamlessly to make this novel a jewel among historical fiction/romances and family sagas.

“So Wonderful as Want” does contain adult situations, violence, and language that is appropriate to the story. There are some triggers that may cause individuals who suffer PTSD from stalking, domestic violence, or the death of a child or loved one a certain amount of discomfort or unease, but these parts of the story are told with great sensitivity, purpose, and empathy. I highly recommend this novel for readers ages 17 and up.

Congratulations to the author on this award-winning story! This novel will be permanently featured on my website at under IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Reads!

Find "So Wonderful as Want" by Joyce DeBacco on Amazon & Kindle here.

IHIBRP, IHI Book Review Project, IHIBRP Round 17, Book Review, Book Review Blogger, IHIBRP Blog, Indieverse, Author JB Richards, Indie Author, Amazon, Kindle, Goodreads, Ebooks, Reading Community, Kindle Unlimited, Historical Fiction, Historical Romance, Florida, Small Town Politics, Genre Fiction, Sagas, Family Saga, Coming of Age, Domestic Violence, Period Romance, So Wonderful as Want, Joyce DeBacco, IHIBRP Award, IHIBRP Recommended Read, Must Read, Great Reads,


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