An Inspiring Journey Of Heart & Soul!
Overview: Poet/Author Sarah Northwood guides readers on an inspirational journey of heart and soul in a motivational, and oftentimes revealing, collection of approximately 40 poems.
The author’s Dedication speaks volumes about her target audience as she writes, “For all those who stand alone in a crowd, who feel things just a little bit too much and are still rocking at this thing called life, this one is for you.”
Northwood’s words flow from smooth composition to profound conversation as she unveils the various aspects of her life driving this intuitive and compelling collection of poetry.
As in real life, “Life According to Poetry” is a study of contrasts. Using various styles of poetry, Northwood successfully identifies with a wide variety of issues as she presents poem after poem geared toward specific topics of concern. Several poems, like “Heart-Breaking”, describe fear, rejection, and loneliness, while others, like “Winds of Hope”, offer hope and resolution. Northwood’s “United” describes how it feels to be separated from a lover while Jealousy” connects with those who are in restrictive relationships. Other works speak of family and career. Northwood even examines her own thoughts as a writer in “Sarah’s Soundbites”, and she essentially captures what it is to complete a work in her poem titled, “Six Feet Tall”.
All in all, “Life According to Poetry” is a volume of poetry any collector would be proud to possess, and I highly recommend this work to anyone who is searching for perspective and insight in their own lives.
Congratulations to the author on this award-winning story! This novel will be permanently featured on my website at AuthorJBRichards.com under IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Reads!
Find "Life According to Poetry" by Sarah Northwood on Amazon & Kindle here.
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