Congratulations to the following authors whose books recently qualified for a book review through my Indies Helping Indies Book Review Project (IHIBRP)! Look for each of these books and their authors to appear on the IHIBRP Book Review Blog on our Website soon!
* "The Blue Moon Caper: A Damien Dickens Mystery (Damien Dickens Mysteries Book 5)" by Phyllis Entis
Note: The above books are listed in order of entry and will be reviewed according to our first come, first served policy. Books that have been marked with an asterisk (*) have been accepted to the IHIBRP program either by special circumstances or arrangements.
My thanks and best wishes to each of the authors participating in this round of the IHIBRP submission process! I hope those of you who did not qualify this month will consider submitting your book to the IHI Book Review Project again in the near future. Our next IHIBRP LIVE Round Submissions are scheduled for Wednesday, February 26 at 2 PM EST on JB Richards’ Author’s Page on Facebook. Please note that we will be taking a short break after our February submissions. Live Round Submissions for our IHIBRP program will resume on Wednesday, April 29, 2020. Be sure to check the Events Calendar on our Homepage for all our 2020 IHIBRP LIVE Round Submission dates.
Have You Heard About My Award-Winning IHI Book Review Project?!
Are you an Indie Author with less than 15 Amazon reviews? If so, you may be eligible for my IHI Book Review Project! You’ll receive an IHIBRP Book Review that will be featured on my blogs at my website & on Goodreads, an Amazon “verified purchase” review, a BookBub review, and a promotion of your IHIBRP review on Facebook and Twitter. But wait… there’s more—Should your book qualify as an IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Read, you’ll earn an IHIBRP Award Badge which can then be affixed to the cover of your work to tell the world your book has been chosen as an exceptional read! The best part is, there’s absolutely no catch and no hoops to jump through—All I ask is that you pay-it-forward to our Indie community! Interested? Check out my award-winning IHI Book Review Project now!
And, how would you like to receive regular notifications about our Award-Winning IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Reads and book reviews, FREE access to our Indieverse Resource Library—containing all the latest services, resources, blogs, and insider tips for Indie authors and readers, and updates about all the latest reads from me, Author JB Richards, and my author team—the Indie Fabs? Simply Subscribe to our Indieverse Newsletter now!

Author JB Richards’ books are available on Amazon, Goodreads, & most major book outlets through our Website!
And, don’t forget, most of JB’s books are available to read for FREE with your Kindle Unlimited Subscription on Amazon!
You can also get advance notifications concerning upcoming releases... Visit & Follow Author JB Richards On Amazon Now!
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IHIBRP, IHI Book Review Project, Writing Community, Reading Community, Book Reviews, Book Review Blogger, IHIBRP Blog, Recommended Reads, IHIBRP Award, The Writers Block, Indieverse, Author JB Richards,