A Brilliant, Intimate, & Inspirational Portrait Of A Young Man Coping With MS!
Overview: At age twenty-seven, Frank Berglund is diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). His only chance at finding hope lies in the hands of a caring doctor, a beautiful and cheeky physician’s assistant, and a physical therapist with a warped sense of humor. But, will it be possible for anyone to break through the walls Frank has built within himself, and can he learn to find joy in serving once again?
Living with a debilitating physical challenge like Multiple Sclerosis is difficult at best, if not nearly impossible without a certain degree of help from family, friends, and medical professionals. I know because I, too, suffer from a similar condition. In “If We’re Breathing, We’re Serving”, Author Ferrell Hornsby, whose own husband suffers from MS, paints an intimate and candid portrait of a vital young man dealing with the consequences of this devastating disease, from the onset of symptoms to the acceptance of his diagnosis, and finally, on his decision to live his best life through helping others cope with such life-altering disabilities.
As Author Hornsby’s main character, Frank, learns to face new challenges through encouragement, humor, and sheer determination, he comes to appreciate the fact that, although he must rely on others to get through the even the simplest of days, he too can be of great benefit to others coping with such challenging circumstances. Through Frank, and other characters featured in this highly intuitive story, readers will find effective explanations as to an individual’s most-likely reaction and mindset after receiving a dire prognosis like Multiple Sclerosis.
MS is a painful and progressive auto-immune disease in which the body attacks itself, eating away at the protective myelin sheath surrounding each nerve, causing scar tissue called “sclerosis” to form. The result is chronic nerve damage that disrupts communication between the brain and the body, leading to muscle weakness and/or paralysis, vision problems, and other relatively benign to severely disabling conditions.
Hornsby’s characters are true-to-life figures who, in reality, could very well be one’s own family members, friends, or coworkers. The author’s writing sweeps the reader along on a soulful journey that finds these characters sinking into the pits of despair, battling severe depression, formidable physical challenges, and unbearable pain, only to find redemption by looking to others for help and meeting those challenges head-on. Along the way, Frank meets amazing and inspiring individuals who have learned to deal with the hard knocks blows that life has dealt them, as well as the brave and blessed caregivers who dedicate their lives to servicing those unable—and sometimes unwilling—to provide for their own care.
I strongly recommend this contemporary fiction novel to anyone suffering from chronic pain or a debilitating illness like MS, along with their caregivers, family, and friends. This motivational and inspirational tale provides key instances that explain not only the physicality of this devastating disease, but its impact on the psyche of the affected individual, lending a necessary sense of understanding, support, and empathy to those loved ones and strangers involved in their care.
Congratulations to the author on this award-winning story! This novel will be permanently featured on my website at AuthorJBRichards.com under IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Reads!
Find "If We’re Breathing, We’re Serving (Lifting the World Book One)" by Ferrell Hornsby on Amazon & Kindle here.
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