Realms Collide In This Gripping Paranormal Murder Mystery!
Overview: For centuries countrywomen in England have kept a secret; if you go to the right part of the woods and sing the right song, an Otherkin man will appear and be your lover. Twenty-four-year-old Charlie Somes is the product of such a liaison. With a simple touch, he can instantly “read” both the living and the dead. When women who have taken faerie lovers suddenly start turning up dead and Charlie is accused of murdering of a female roommate, he realizes he’s the only one who can clear his name and stop the real killers.
Realms collide as Author Martin Owton pens a gripping and engaging paranormal murder mystery in “Shadows of Faerie”—A story in which an adult son is suddenly reunited with the Faerie father he has never known.
Owton creates an affable main protagonist in Charlie, whose strange abilities lie at the heart of solving several bizarre murder cases, including one of which he himself is the prime suspect. For an avid, overachieving police detective who has a chip on her shoulder and something to prove, Charlie’s telepathic touch provides the essential clues she needs to investigate criminals and murderers. Author Owton tosses yet another wrench in Charlie’s already complicated life after he accidentally reads the detective and finds what he believes to be burgeoning romantic feelings. The plotline continues to build when the author sends Charlie and his Faerie father, Jack, on a quest to stop the dangerous denizens of the other realm from crossing over to our world with the intentions of creating mayhem and murder.
Owton’s characters are rich and full of life—Each has an independent, logical backstory that enhances the story and meshes well with other characters, even as Charlie is pulled in several different directions at the same time. It is the characters in this tale who guide the reader through the engrossing and emotional journey of a young man who missed out on having a normal life and who struggles to find a place in both worlds.
“Shadows of Faerie” delivers plenty of dark horror and monstrous deeds. I highly recommend this novel for readers who believe in chance relationships, fate, and paranormal abilities, as well as fans who relish dark fantasy and occult horror—ages 17 and up.
Congratulations to the author on this award-winning story! This novel will be permanently featured on my website at AuthorJBRichards.com under IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Reads!
Find "Shadows of Faerie" by Martin Owton on Amazon & Kindle here.
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